AN OPEN LETTER FOR STARTUPS who think “Any type of content make sales”... 💡Here is the N0.1 Reason why align offer content matter.
Dec 31, 2024
A question we get a lot is…
How do you create aligned content marketing for B2B in all your platforms without dying in the process?
Let us give you the first foundational tip:
We use a framework that guide us on expressing the real need of our clients within short sentences.
In this post I’ll share with your how the process does and where can you get this framework to start doing the same with your content.
Boiler plate: You may also be interested to know what’s the new Viral content
To get started…
You need to know what your audience R.E.A.L. need is. (We mean it)
Most of the time you don't identify your clients' real needs and that’s the biggest content marketing tool for small business.
Nope, real needs are not a myth, they are true!
Let me re-phrase REAL need…
You need to know what your client is really “struggling” with if you want to write engaging social media content
This will help you know what content to create so your clients feel immediately identified and give you their attention. Because knowing their real need and telling them back to the, in their mind, would sound like
“this person is reading my mind”
Let me give you an example.
Your content is like a brick that you are putting at the end of a river.
You are building a bridge to help your clients cross to the other side.
If one brick is missing, no one would dare cross the bridge, and as result they won’t buy your offers on the other side of the bridge.
If you build the right bridge with your message, you will not only have all your dream clients listening, but also...
- Engaging with you
- Commenting on your DM’s
- Asking for the link to buy your offers.
Creating this bridge will allow you to be certain when that you’ll sell every offer in your online shelves without having to invest all your free time being on social media.
Now you know what you should be doing with every piece of content you share.
But If you need still feel like you need a bit of help getting started writing this content-bridge... Watch our Free Masterclass, “How to make your content SELL ANY OFFER on your online shelves”.
In this Masterclass we’ll show you the proven framework that’ll help you write captions faster and intentionally for sales.
This framework is absolutely needed for content creation that creates optimal conversion.
We also give you the sales message strategy to hook your audience with your first caption.